BIG THANK YOU to George Oteman & Lloyd Tremmel for sponsoring lunch today.
DeRango's "All you can Eat" Fried Chicken and Potato Salad. With over 100 pieces of Chicken, a number of the guys took home Doggie Bags.
Steve Madsen brought two cases of Water and two 12 Pacs of Soda.
O&H Kringle served as a snack.
George Oteman '56, Lloyd Tremmel '60

Joining Us: George Oteman, Lloyd Tremmel, Dan DeMatthew, Amy DeMatthew,
Marty Defatte, Dave Cook, George Gordon, John Ketarkus, Joe Woitach, Dave Benjamin, Cathy Poulsen, Marie Welsh, Joe Ingrasci, Bob Broihier, Gary Schonert, Jeff Tarkowski,
Dan Kovara, Terry Kovara, Joe Macareno, Steve Madsen, Kory Borek, Adam Chalekian,
Tom Konieczko, Bobby Letsch Jr, Bob Letsch, Mark Mano, Pam Mano, Rick Jones,
Terry Toll, Jerry Jardina, Chuckie Schovain, Frank D'Acquisto, Dan Petersen, Tom Krug,
Ed DeMeulenaere, Rick Ropiak, Mike Hyduke, Chris & Sue Gorman, John Busey,
Dan Bentz, Carol (Totero) Double, Marilyn (Hager) Totero, Marisa Toitero, Janet Totero.
Table Pictures Compliments of Lloyd Tremmel '60............

* SCHS Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Saturday Oct 19, 2024.
Great evening with outstanding speeches by each inductee.
Jai Mahone, '79 Basketball, Brian Hankel, '04 Tennis, Soccer, and Basketball,
Elizabeth (Angel) Gardon, '03, Tennis, Basketball, and Soccer,
Jack Miller, '80, Basketball, Football, and Baseball, Sharif Chambliss, '00, Basketball

On hand Dominic Tirabassi, Dr Susan Savalgio-Jarvis, Rocky Tirabassi '78
Talk about a "ROSE" between two thrones !!!

Also on hand the John Miller '54 Clan.............

2024 13th Annual Racine County Sports Hall Of Fame
Induction Ceremony
October 24, 2024 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM - Roma Lodge
Racine Heritage Museum's Annual Sports Hall of Fame Induction celebrates local athletes and coaches. Our 13th class of inductees includes Caron Butler (Basketball), SCHS's Jason Caspers '85 (Tennis), Katie Slamka Leiber (Track), Butch Luther (Bowling), and Mike Ratliff (Basketball). Additionally, we will be recognizing Deep Roots Award Winner Wally Booker (Basketball Coach and Mentor) and the 2004 Prairie School Boys Soccer Team. Our Master of Ceremonies will be Ashley Washburn, sports reporter for WTMJ-4. Proceeds from the event go to support the Racine Heritage Museum and our mission to collect, preserve, and share the special stories of the people of Racine County. Please Note: Ticket Sales end October 10th. Admittance without a ticket will not be allowed. Tickets will not be available for purchase at the door.
New Faces..................
Frank D'Acquisto '77 had his cousin & the Totero Girls join us.........
Carol (Totero) Double '65, Marilyn (Hager) Totero '63, Frank, Marisa Toitero Pius XI '76, Janet Totero '66. Marisa brought her father 's SCHS letter sweater class of '55

A Trip Down Memory Lane................

Cribbage Results.........almost Accurate !!!
Table #1: Bob Letsch/Dave Benjamin 3 - 2, Dan DeMatthew/Lloyd Tremmel 2 - 3
Bobby Letsch Jr/CWood 3 -1 DeMatthew/Lloyd Tremmel 1 - 3,
Bob Letsch/Dave Benjamin 0 - 4
Table #2: Bobby Letsch Jr/Frank D'Acquisto 4 - 2,
Rick Ropiak/CWood 2 - 4
Table #3: Joe Macareno/Steve Madsen 8 - 2, Mark Mano/ George Gordon 2 - 8
Canadian Cribbage
Cribbage Next Tourney

Today's Laugh.............................Ha Ha Ha !!!
From Jane (May) Roque '64
A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, observing his wife, looking at herself in the mirror.
Since her birthday was not far off, he asked what she'd like to have for her birthday.
"I'd like to be twelve again," she replied, still looking in the mirror.
On the morning of her birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Coco Pops,
And then took her to Alton Towers theme park.
What a day!
He put her on every ride in the park:
The Death Slide, the Corkscrew, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Monster Roller Coaster, everything there was.
Five hours later they staggered out of the theme park.
Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down.
He then took her to McDonald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal, with extra fries and a chocolate shake.
Then it was off to the cinema with popcorn, a huge Cola, and her favorite sweets ... M&M's.
What a fabulous adventure!
Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed exhausted.
He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked,
"Well, Dear, what was it like being twelve again?"
Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed.
"I meant my dress size, you idiot!"
Dick Graceffa '69 on the call !!!

Hello everyone,
The September Community Newsletter is now available here. Enjoy the week!
Kimberly Gardner
Chief Advancement Officer
Angels Connecting..................
John Ketarkus '56, Gary Schonert '59 H joined host Dave Benjamin '61 at his cottage this week for some fishing, laughs and to assist Dave in taking his boat out of the lake for the winter.
Gary was so proud of his one and only fish !
Benji caught the BIGGEST fish, John the NEXT BIGGEST fish and Gary the SMALLEST
Denny Montgomery '60 & Mike Ptachinski '68
Denny is Air Force Academy grad & flew Jets in Vietnam. Mike was a State Wrestling
Champion and wrestled for U of Utah. He was also a HS teacher and Wrestling Coach.
They live about 30 miles apart in the Ogden UT area and connected for lunch.

• Class of '75 50th Class Reunion Committee - $75.00 - July 2025
Mary Michel, Peggy Smithana (Henkes), Gina Derderian (Rupsch), Nancy Rittgers (Small)
Dan DeMatthew, Joanne Balestrieri (Koleske),Yvonne Anton-Hartl (Anton)
Not pictured but attended in person: Dennis Mikulecky - via ZOOM:
Grace LeRose, Dennis Andrewski, Vivian Dominici-Sacripanti (Dominici), Billy Wells

• Class of '60 meets the last Wednesday of each month at Dynasty restaurant
- contact Renee (Ricchio) Benjamin for details -
• Class of '59 meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Castlewood restaurant
- contact Mary (D'Acquisto) Woitach for details -
Class of '58 meets 1st Tuesday of the month at Dynasty restaurant
- contact Karen (Petersen) Verbeten for details -
• Purchase your Angels Items online. Click on......
Angels in the News..........
Racine News..........
• Prayers for the families of departed Angels and Friends......
Jacqueline Frances (Schoene) Drummond '45
Her children are Mary Kay '69, Theresa '70, Bill '72, and Michael '74
Also surviving is her brother Michael (Mickey) '59
• Prayers for Alumni & Friends dealing with Health issues:
Prayers for our good friend Roger DeMark '61 who fell Friday and broke his elbow.
He will also need reconstructive surgery on his shoulder.
He claims he was helping a friend ?? Not chasing a gal !!!!

Danny Moussaeu '74 is dealing with Kidney & Prostate issues.
Jon Bassiandale rehabbing from his back surgery
Jim Poulsen is upbeat and willing to visit. He hopes friends will call as well.
Walt Strini is working out at Razor Sharp Fitness Center and getting stronger.
George Gordon getting shots in his back for the next 3 weeks.
Terry Toll's wife is getting shots in her eye
Terry Kovara's wife Delores is rehabbing from Shoulder Surgery
Sue (Ketarkus) Shilling is rehabbing for Knee Replacement Surgery
Chris & Sue Gorman's grandson Elijah, Rick Jones, Walt Strini, Jim Poulsen, John Hansen, Tom & Mama Clazmer, Don Heck, Dan Bentz, Tom Konieczko, Tom Pulda, Jeff Pulda,
Dave O'Brien, George Gordon, Bob Letsch, Bob Garrity, Kathy (Hackl) Wirtz,
Mickey Postorino, John Miller, John's wife Helen (Willmes) Miller, Mike O'Brien,
Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife Judy, Marty Defatte's wife Donna,
Bill Halberstadt's wife Judy, Dan Peterson's wife Donna, Dick Graceffa's wife Peg,
Important Dates.................................
Friday Nov 8, 2024 - Doors Open at 5pm - Dinner at 6pm
American Serb Hall, Milwaukee, WI

Thursday Oct 31st - Halloween
Sunday Nov 3rd - Daylight Savings - Fall Back - (Turn your clocks back 1 hour)
Thursday Nov 28th - Thanksgiving
Wednesday Dec 25th - Christmas
Wednesday Jan 1st - New Years
SAVE THE DATE...................
Monday July 21, 2025 - Angel Golf Classic -
Friday Sept 26, 2025 - McGuire/Letsch Scramble - 25th Anniversary
St. Catherine's "ANGEL" Athletics.................
Admission Prices (Varsity football, JV2/JV/Varsity girls volleyball, JV/Varsity boys volleyball, JV/Varsity girls basketball, JV2/JV/Varsity boys basketball, wrestling)
Current St. Catherine’s students- Free (Must present current student ID, if no ID, a purchased ticket will be required.)
Admission must be purchased online, no cash will be accepted at the gate. See below for ticketing protocols and procedures
Racine St. Catherine’s Home Game Protocols and Procedures
All tickets must be purchased ahead of time at
Ticket sales will open 1 week prior to each event
Ticket sales close at 2:00pm the day of the event for varsity football games as well as JV2/JV/Varsity boys basketball games. Any individual(s) not purchasing tickets by 2:00pm will not be allowed into the game
Tickets can be printed at home to be scanned at the event or shown in the Ticket Spicket app on cellular devices to be scanned. NO SCREENSHOTS ACCEPTED
Gates/entrance close 30 minutes after the scheduled start time of the varsity event. Anyone not in the game at this time will not be allowed in
Refunds will only be issued for ticket purchases if the event is canceled
No re-entry to the event, once you leave you will not be allowed back in
All middle/elementary school students must be with an adult
Metro Classic Conference passes are still allowed at the gate for Metro Classic Conference games only, no digital ticket required. For Non-Conference Games, Metro Classic Conference passes are not accepted and a digital ticket is required
6 and under are free, no digital ticket required
St. Catherine’s students are free with school ID, no digital ticket required. If no ID, a purchased ticket will be required
Siena employees are free with ID, no digital ticket required. If no ID, a purchased ticket will be required
Video Tutorial that shows how to purchase tickets and use app
Be Safe - Be Positive - Be Healthy