Volunteer Alumni Supporting a Safe SCHS Neighborhood
1220 Villa Street • Racine, WI 53403
Once the purchase of the building was finalized, FRIENDS OF ANGELS president Chuck (Charlie) Wood enlisted the help of Jim Cramer '59 and Earl Wirtz '58—two highly skilled alumni who spearheaded the renovation. They recruited other talented volunteers, and the group became affectionately known as "Charlie's Angels." And they truly were. Each one devoted hundreds of hours of time and talent to the Alumni House renovation, eventually expanding their services to the school, where they completed over 100 projects between 2008-2014 saving St. Catherine's an estimated $75,000. Check out a partial list of their school projects below. A simple thank you was all they required to continue their service. This is truly an amazing group of guys.

Charlie's Angels at Work
Left to right: Joe Woitach '59, Earl Wirtz '58, Ed Howard (SCHS Honorary Grad 2009), Jim Cramer '59,
Tom Mielcarek '63, Dan Bentz '58, Ralph Mazzie '70, Dave Benjamin '61 (not pictured—golfing or fishing that day)

Jim Cramer '59
Boss Man

Ed Howard (Honorary 2009)
Plumber Man

Bob Garrity '62

Terry Kovara '64
Broom Man

Colin Pankow '80

Fr. Cletus Uhen
Chaplain & Confessor
Charlie's Angels on Graduation Day 2009, when Angel Ed Howard received his honorary diploma from St. Catherine's. These Angels clean up well, don't they?

Dan Bentz '58
Painter Man

Tom Lielcarek
Post Man
The Growing Family of Angels
As work progressed on the building renovation, more Angels joined the group to contribute time and talent.
Mondays became a routine day to meet and discuss the items that needed to be address in the near future.
Mondays also became a tradition for Alumni and Friends to meet, have lunch and visit. The list of helpers and visitors keeps growing........................
Those not pictured here include:
Dave O'Brien '58, Upholstery Man
Dave Keenan '66, Helper
John Burgess, Helper
Dan Peterson '65, Helper
Jack Kelley '58 H, Water Man
Dan Lesperance '65, Helper
Tom Krug '60, Electric Man
Jim Lueloff, Helper
Todd Pettit '61, Money Man
Jeff Pulda '71, Mr. Warmth
Bob Letsch '61, The Man
Tom Reisenauer '54, Alumni Man
Larry Benjamin '61, Softball Man
George Gordon, Champion Man
Tom Goebel '61, Electrical Support
Keith Ruelle '61, Music Man
Jim Poulsen '60, Connections Man
Don Klemt, Numbers Man
Roger DeMark '61, Ladies Man
Mike Iggulden '58, Warrior Club Man
Dick Milkie '53, Golf Ball Man
Ed DeMeulenaere, Iowa Man
Dick Heidenreich '49, Boxer Man
Pete Schiro '77, Fireman
Rick Ropiak '87, Police Man
Chris Gorman '77, Ankle Man
Frank D'Acquisto '77, Retirement Man
Dan DeMatthew '75, Cribbage Man
Gary Schonert '59 H, Knee Man
Bobby Letsch '84, The Rookie
Jim Rasmussen '76, Kringle Man
Mike Hyduke '70, Hot Springs Man
Rick Jones '73, City Man

Tom Kaiser

Earl Wirtz '58
Wire Man

Ralph Mazzie '81
Handy Man

Tom Mielcarek '63
Anchor Man

Jim Welsh '56
Chili Man

Tim Shea '73

Morley Torgerson '67

Dan Lesperance, Fr Uhen, Dave Benjamin, Tom Mielcarek, Jim Cramer Joe Woitach, Tom Krug, Earl Wirtz Seated Chuck Wood Dan Bentz
Joew Woitach '59
Muscle Man

Jim Cramer '59
Boss Man

Dan Bentz '58
Paint Man
Eddie Howard
Plummer Man

Eddie Howard

Tom Mielcarek '63
Anchor Man

Dave Benjamin '61
Ladder Man
Eddie Howard
Plummer Man

Colin Pankow '80

Tim Shea '73

Jim Morelli
Cement Man

Brendan O'Brien '99
Mike Seitz '73
Window Man
Jerry Kasinski '76 Backyard Lawn Man
Back Yard Lawn

Jerry Kasinski '76
Grass Man

Jerry Kasinski '76
Grass Man

Tom Krug '60
SCHS Projects Completed by CHARLIE'S ANGELS
• removed old cabinets and flooring from the AD's office
• installed gym camera for the AD office
• painted gym doors
• re-keyed gym, coaches office, athletic storage room and
weight room to a universal key
• installed 14 white screens in classrooms
• moved Athletic and Alumni Hall of Fame plaques to first- and
second-floor halls (over 350 plaques)
• repaired and repainted cafeteria walls
• cleaned, re-caulked and painted basement windows
• removed 8 iron radiators
• assembled 30 computer stations
• constructed and painted orchestra pit wall in auditorium
• secured 9 science desks to floor
• assembled batting cage in Aquin Field, east of garage
• painted first-floor hallway
• cleaned the gym bleachers
• installed safety rails for the gym bleachers
• checked batteries and replaced stand-by lights in entire school
• cleaned trophy cases
• installed 16 60-inch TVs in classrooms and removed 14
white screens
• assembled 20 computer classroom work stations
• relocated 40 athletic plaques—regional and sectional
• cleaned the floor, painted walls, rewired and created a parent
reception area at the Angel Cheer/Pom Studio (over 2000 sq.
ft.) in the Warren Packaging storage building on 4-Mile Road
Small Jobs Continue to Pop Up at The Alumni House
* Security Cameras installed on Front & Rear of the Building
* Security Bars installed over the rear windows
* In Sink Erator installed in Lower North Unit
* Interior access doorway to Upper Units constructed in Lower North Unit
* Fire Extinguishers installed in Upper & Lower Units
* Screen Doors added to two front doors
* Alumni side door repainted
* New Door Handles installed on two front doors
* Three Desks and Bookcase were assembled for the Siena Offices in the Lower North Unit
* Basement was cleaned of trash
* Backyard was cleaned of over growth
* Small Refrigerator installed Lower North Unit
* Wall Cabinets installed over sink Lower North Unit
* Constructed Shelving for SCHS Memorabilia

Jack Kelley '58 H
Hammer Man