Volunteer Alumni Supporting a Safe SCHS Neighborhood
1220 Villa Street • Racine, WI 53403
Giving Back
It's truly inspiring to see how many people came together to transform a former drug house into a space in which we now take so much pride—one that serves the entire St. Catherine's family and contributes to a safer school neighborhood. This was our mission in 2005 and we continue to take it seriously. We hope you'll support us by giving back—with time and talent and/or with financial support to sustain the Alumni House for future SCHS alumni and friends.
Time and Talent
We understand that families are busy today and the demands on them are greater than ever. With the building now completed, our needs center on finding people who can devote a little time to serving on our board, helping with our raffle, and/or providing a lunch one Monday. Contact us if you feel you can help out.
This is our current focus. Your tax-deductible donation will greatly help us in our effort to retain ownership of the building, ensuring a safer neighborhood for the St. Catherine's family. If you can make a charitable donation, please make your check payable to "Friends of Angels Ltd." and send it to FRIENDS OF ANGELS, 3330 Raymond Court, Racine, WI 53405. We truly appreciate your support.
We are honored to receive donations in memory of SCHS alumni and friends. The Pulda family provided a memorial gift in their father's name. Tom Reisenauer asked that, in lieu of flowers in his memory, donations be sent to the Friends of Angels, Ltd. in support of the Alumni House.