BIG THANKS to John Kopulos who sponsored today lunch. DeRango's Pizzas were the main course - 2 Sheet Cheese & Sausage, 1 Sheet Cheese & Pepperoni & 1 Sheet Veggie did the trick. O&H Kringle compliments of Jim Rassmussen via Gary Schonert was dessert.
Bob Milkie brought a bag of Halloween Candy..............Dan Bentz brought a case of Coke.
Tom Goebel, we now have hard Coke for you !!! Ha Ha Ha
John Kopulos '60 P displays the Veggie Pizza

Joining Us: John Kopulos, Pat (Ingrasci) Nielsen, Joe Ingrasci, Dan Bentz, George Oteman, John Ketarkus, Jack Kelley, Terry Toll, Tom Konieczko, Joe Woitach, Roger DeMark,
Rick Jones, Rick Ropiak, Chelsea Ostrov, Alia Onacyznski, Lloyd Tremmel, Cathy Poulsen, Jeff Tarkowski, Charley Presta, Ryan Andersen, Don Klemt, Bobby Letsch Jr, Chris Gorman, Frank D'Acquisto, Jeff Pulda, Ed DeMeulenaere, Bob Milkie, Dean Zierten, Paul Mares,
Gary Schonert, Joe Macareno, John Busey, Bob Letsch, Dan DeMatthew, Jim Mascari,
John Miller, Lou Rideaux, Dan Miller, Amy DeMatthew, George Gordon, Dan Kovara,
Del Alton, Marty Defatte
Bob "Mr. Raider" Milkie '57 has gone to woodworking as a hobby.
Bob created beautiful Angel centerpieces for the tables at the Alumni House.

Paul Mares '76 brought his good buddy Dean Zierten '76 C to the Alumni House
for a few laughs, visits with old buddies and some cribbage.

* The Three Musketeers: John Kopulos '60 P, Jim Mascari '60 H, Joe Ingrasci '64 SC
or as some would say "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly" !!!

* ADDED EXCITEMENT..............911
Jack Kelley '58 H fell at home Sunday and hit his back on the lawnmower handle. As he was set to leave the Alumni House today, he was hit with a severe pain that caused us to call 911. The rescue squad arrived but his wife Felicia wanted him to go to Aurora.
Felicia '58 SC took Jack to Aurora - XRays & Blood were taken - diagnosed as badly bruised.
He's home resting.
Paramedics with Jack Loading into Ambulance Felicia taking Jack
Ed DeMeulenaere & Pat (Ingrasci) Nielsen - "What's for Lunch???
Yes, she was merely walking by when Ed grabbed her !!!

• Table 1: Terry Toll/ Chris Gorman defeated - Rick Ropiak/George/ Gordon & Presta/CWood 2-0
6 handed: Rick Ropiak/George Gordon defeated Charlie Presta/Dan DeMatthew -
CWood/Joe Macareno 2-0
Rick Ropiak/George Gordon split with Don Klemt/ Bob Letsch 1-1
• Table 2: Don Klemt/Dean Zierten defeated Joe Macareno/ Paul Mares 2-0
Bobby Letsch Jr/Dan DeMatthew defeated Joe Macareno/ CWood 3-0
On Wednesday, November 22, 6-8pm Shane Rawley (Sports Hall Charter Class 2011) will be here at Racine Heritage Museum for an evening of Q&A and discussion about his new book, Peter Cobb: Three Strikes You’re Out. Shane will be interviewed by Jerry Tapp, books will be available for purchase at the event. I’ve attached Jerry’s press release and other promotional material. Hope to see you here at the museum - feel free to share as you see fit.
Chris Christopher Paulson Executive Director Racine Heritage Museum (262) 636-3926 Office
Nov. 11 Veteran's Day Ceremony at Memorial Hall. You are all invited to attend, but we do require a RSVP for seating purposes.
Please let me know by November 7, 2023 if you are interested in attending and representing SCHS/Siena. KIMBERLY GARDNER Chief Advancement Officer 262-417-7623 245 Main Street, Suite 402; Racine, WI 53403
* Student Trip..........
We have a group of kids traveling this summer to Ecuador and are raising funds to help offset the costs for students and their families. We are trying to do several small fundraisers, but this is our very first one.
This week only, we are selling Spirit Wear Apparel. I have included the link below. If anyone is interested in purchasing an item, please let me know.
Have a blessed evening! Take care,
Kris Rivas
Ecuador Spirit Wear
Future Building Addition - South End of SCHS
New Addition New Main Entrance New Chapel
• Angels Connecting..................
• Class of '60 meets the last Wednesday of each month at Dynasty restaurant
- contact Renee (Ricchio) Benjamin for details -
• Class of '59 meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Castlewood restaurant
- contact Mary (D'acquisto) for details -
• Class of '58 meets 1st Tuesday of the month at Dynasty restaurant
- contact Karen (Petersen) Verbeten for details -
• Purchase your Angels Items online. Click on......
• Racine News..........
• Prayers for the families of departed Angels and Friends......
S. John May '57
Johnny Whitnell '76
• Prayers for Alumni & Friends dealing with Health issues:
Tom Clazmer's uses a walker and dealing with heath issues.
Barb (Bohn) Jarapko '60 dealing with health issues.
Joe Ingrasci heart issue, no surgery recommended at this time - keep monitoring.
Former SCHS Golf Coach Dave Arkenburg - led them to 2nd place at State Golf in 2018. Dave is dealing with serious health issue.
Jim Poulsen has returned to St Monica's. Seems to be doing well, vast improvements.
Don Hansen dealing with COPD
Rob Gordon using braces on his lower legs
Victor Moreno difficulty walking - leg issues
Jeff DeMatthew had his 3rd Heart Ablation.
Walt Strini is home - can use his left arm/hand to feed himself.
Walt's wife Sandy has a Holter Monitor dealing with Heart issue.
Tom Goebel dealing with A-Fib.
Joe Clazmer in the hospital
Jeff Pulda dealing with Kidney Stones. His wife Hip Replacement surgery was successful, she back to driving.
Gary Schonert had a Stimulator Inserted in his back to relieve Leg Pain - ???
Terry Toll failed his Stress Test - waiting to hear.
Brent Kapellusch pre diabetes.
John Miller '54 recovering from recent Gall Blatter Surgery.
George Gordon spent a half day in the hospital - Heart issue - doing well.
Roger DeMark came with both index finger wrap - ask great story
Rick Jones more test - has an apparent Intestine Issue.
Dan Peterson is looking at Hip Replacement in near future.
Dick Heidenreich had a Stroke - lower left leg needs work - at Lutheran Rehab
Jack Kelley badly bruised back Rib/ Kidney area.
Bob Letsch happy with Lazer treatments - some positive results -10 more treatments.
Fr Ron Crewe - from Bob Broihier: I talked with Beth Schneider. She said Father Ron is able to receive visitors. She recommended to contact her before going - her phone number is 262 352 6578. She will try to keep to 1 visitor per time frame.
He is in a wheelchair and is still at Elizabeth Residence 10441 south Nicholson Road.
• Special Prayers needed for:
Chris & Sue Gorman's grandson Eli, Don Heck, Jack Kelley, Tom Konieczko, Ken Kusters, Tom Pulda, Jeff Pulda, Dave O'Brien, George Gordon, Bob Letsch, Bob Garrity,
Kathy (Hackl) Wirtz, Jim Poulsen, Mickey Postorino, Helen (Willmes) Miller, Mike O'Brien, Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife, Del Alton's wife, Marty Defatte's wife, Bill Halberstadt's wife, Dan Peterson's wife, Pat (Peters) Obernberger,
Important Dates:
• Thanksgiving - Thursday November 23rd
• Premier "Stayin Alive" Video - Monday Dec 4th - SCHS Auditorium
• Christmas Day - Monday Dec 25th - Alumni House Closed
* New Years Day - Monday Jan 1, 2024 - Alumni House Closed
* Black & White Ball - Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
* Schonert Annual Picnic - Monday Sept 2nd - Labor Day
Angel Athletics -
Home Game Protocols and Procedures
Racine St. Catherine’s Home Game Protocols and Procedures
All tickets must be purchased ahead of time at
Ticket sales will open 1 week prior to each event
Ticket sales close at 2:00pm the day of the event for varsity football games as well as JV2/JV/Varsity boys basketball games. Any individual(s) not purchasing tickets by 2:00pm will not be allowed into the game
Tickets can be printed at home to be scanned at the event or shown in the Ticket Spicket app on cellular devices to be scanned. NO SCREENSHOTS ACCEPTED
Gates/entrance close 30 minutes after the scheduled start time of the varsity event. Anyone not in the game at this time will not be allowed in
Refunds will only be issued for ticket purchases if the event is canceled
No re-entry to the event, once you leave you will not be allowed back in
All middle/elementary school students must be with an adult
Metro Classic Conference passes are still allowed at the gate for Metro Classic Conference games only, no digital ticket required. For Non-Conference Games, Metro Classic Conference passes are not accepted and a digital ticket is required
6 and under are free, no digital ticket required.
St. Catherine’s students are free with school ID, no digital ticket required. If no ID, a purchased ticket will be required
Siena employees are free with ID, no digital ticket required. If no ID, a purchased ticket will be required
Video Tutorial that shows how to purchase tickets and use app
Girls Swim
Saturday the PSC Aquatics team traveled to Whitefish Bay for WIAA swim sectionals. While the team did not have any swimmers advance to state, they performed extremely well as 63% of swimmers had personal bests and Riley Saenim set a new school record in the 100 yard backstroke. Below are results of swimmers that earned points for the team.
Riley Saenim
100 Yard Backstroke (11th place, 1:09.70) New School Record
100 Yard Freestyle (15th place, 1:02.52)
Sophia Reeser
200 yard freestyle (13th, 2:43.43)
Sora Pearson
200 yard freestyle (14th, 2:48.76)
200 yard Medley Relay
Team consisted of Riley Saenim, CC Berkey, Anna Nguyen and Sophia Reeser (12th, 2:26.76)
200 yard Freestyle Relay
Team consisted of Riley Saenim, Anna Nguyen, CC Berkey and Sophia Reeser (12th, 2:04.10)
Upcoming Angel Athletic Events
Monday November 6th
Girls Basketball Practice Starts
Tuesday November 7th
No games/matches/meets schedule
Wednesday November 8th
No games/matches/meets schedule
Thursday November 9th
No games/matches/meets schedule
Friday November 10th
No games/matches/meets schedule
Saturday November 11th
No games/matches/meets schedule
Be Safe - Be Healthy - Be Positive