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Monday May 23, 2022

Updated: May 24, 2022

Hi Gang,

Big Thank You to Dick Peterson and Bob Letsch who sponsored DeRango's Fried Chicken and French Fries for lunch today. Terry Kovara brought a canister of Chocolate Cover Almonds. Dave O'Brien brought a box of Doritos, Cheetos, Chips for the gang.

Dave Litrenta brought a dozen Chocolate Cookies and a dozen Lemon Muffins

On Hand: Ed DeMeulenaere, Tom Konieczko, Jack Kelley, Terry Toll, Bobby Letsch,

Dave Benjamin, George Oteman, George Gordon, Joe Woitach, Dick Peterson, Terry Kovara, Dan Kovara, Kory Borek, Samantha Repischak, Cintia Sanchez, Bob Letsch, Jeff Tarkowski, Gary Schonert, Kathy Poulsen, Dave O'Brien, Erin McCarville, Chris Sosnay, Dave Litrenta,

Dan Bentz, Dan Peterson, Rick Ropiak, Fr Ron Crewe, Tom Goebel, Dan DeMatthew,

Mike Hyduke, Rob Zirbel, Don Klemt

Pictured: Dick Peterson emptying the Salt packets from DeRango's into our Salt Shaker..........

Recycling at its finest !!!! Dan Bentz supervising - hand in the foreground !!!

Cribbage: Bobby Letsch with teammate Dave Benjamin won 1 game out of 6 today.

It's a RED Letter Day for the Rookie !!! Other winners Bob Letsch/George Gordon, Dave Hyduke/ Dan DeMatthew, Terry Toll/ Rob Zirbel, Dave O'Brien/CW.

  • Volunteering to assist with the WIAA Regional Golf Tourney Tuesday May 24th at Ives Grove: Ryan Andersen, Dave Benjamin, Dick Graceffa, Bobby Letsch.

  • "Voice of the Angels" Terry Toll will serve as official announcer for the WIAA Sectional Baseball Tournament at Horlick Field Tuesday June 7th.

Frank D'Acquisto is consulting and is not available on Mondays, until July.

Jerry Jardina still in Chandler, AZ with two grandchildren graduations yet to attend.

His granddaughter graduated from ASU in early May.

Moments to Remember..............PROM

Prayers for family of departed Angel...

Prayers for Alumni & Friends dealing with Health issues:

  • Chris Gorman Ankle Surgery, his 5th surgery in July.

  • Jeff Tarkowski is still wearing a heart monitor.

  • Brenda White rehabbing well from recent chemotherapy treatments.

  • Dick Peterson dealing with a disabled wire in his pacemaker.

  • Tim Letsch is off his crutches.

  • Rick Jones still in therapy for his shoulder issue.

  • Jim Poulsen is going to therapy for Carpal Tunnel and he's back golfing.

  • Dick Ruetz is recovering beautifully from recent neck surgery.

  • Dan DeMatthew has new meds to help his flexibility.

  • Gary Schonert had to go for a tetanus shot - while fishing in Florida hooked his thumb.

  • Dave O'Brien says his new workout program is helping his breathing.

  • Dr. Robert "Bob" Jaklich went into the hospital for cardiac ablation Friday morning. He's retired now for the 3rd time. No more work, but house work is in the plan, says wife Shelia.

  • Jack Kelley has new pain on the right side of his chest.

  • Dan Peterson's wife's eyes are good after cataract surgery. She noticed he missed a lot when he was house cleaning.

Others Needing Prayers: Dan Bentz, Todd Pettit, Bob Garrity, Mike Iggulden, Helen Miller, Tom Konieczko, Kathy Wirtz, Bob Letsch, Dick Peterson, Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife, Gray Schonert's wife dealing with heart issue. Dick Heidenreich's wife.

Important Dates:

• Angel Golfers play every Thursday at Ives Grove - teeing off at 8:30.

We play 9 holes - Scramble format. Join us and you'll be put in a foursome.

• Friday June 10th Ives Grove - Knights of Columbus 4th Annual Golf Outing

Registration: May 20th - $100.00 - Scramble Format

Registration/Details Contact:

Ken Sack (262-488-3807) Jim Sisak (262-884-9505)

Steve Jansta (262-554-6376) or

• Monday July 18th - Angel Golf Classic at Meadowbrook CC

• Friday September 30th - McGuire/Letsch Golf Scramble Ives Grove Golf Course

  1. Congratulations to the five scholars awarded scholarships through All-In Milwaukee on Wednesday, May 18 at St. Catherine's High School. Four of the five scholarships were made possible through the generosity of Dr. H. Fisk Johnson. The awardees will receive a renewable scholarship of up to $12,000 over four years, as well as wide-ranging support from All-In Milwaukee’s professional advisors for up to six years. Congratulations to Tanyia Abdullah (UW-Milwaukee: nursing); Elias Gomez (UW-Madison: chemistry); Luis Meza Cisneros (MSOE: electrical engineering); Marisol Valeriano (Marquette University: computer science); and Guadalupe Bustillos (Marquette University: Psychology).

  2. Racine Dominican Sister Linda McClenahan has been warming up her pitching arm outside Siena this past week. S. Linda was on a recent Honor Flight, and their team called her to ask if she would throw out the First Pitch at this Sunday's Brewers Game as a representative of the Honor Flight organization and vets everywhere. Good luck S. Linda - we can't wait to see you on the mound!

  3. Angel Fest 2022 is in the books! Sincere thanks to those who generously gave their time to make this event run smoothly. We had beautiful weather and great music! The silent auction was a huge success, with over 175 items to bid on.

  4. The inaugural Siena Hackathon took place on Tuesday, May 17. Teams from all five Siena grade schools took part, showcasing 3D printing and CAD work, work with energy and magnetism, and even solar-powered robots. It was fantastic to see the genuine happiness on students' faces as they explained their projects to attendees. Special thanks to the teachers and principals who made this a reality during the busy month of May!

  5. This Sunday, May 22, five Siena eighth-graders will be recognized by Fr. Ricardo Martin at the 10 a.m. Mass at Sacred Heart for earning Siena's Bishop Richard J. Sklba Peacemaker Award. The Bishop Sklba Peacemaker Award is distributed annually to one eighth-grade student in each of the five Siena Catholic Schools of Racine. The recipients of these awards must embody the peacemaker qualities. They must:

    • get along with everyone, supporting peaceful interactions and helpfulness in the school and class;

    • respect all others and the Catholic faith;

    • and be looked upon by others as being helpful and kind.


Chief Advancement Officer




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