Hi Gang
Thanks to the Kitty which sponsored lunch today. Two DeRango's sheet pizzas served as the main course for lunch, one Cheese & Sausage, one Cheese & Pepperoni.
O & H Kringles was dessert.
On Hand: Dan Bentz, Dan DeMatthew, Jack Kelley, Joe Woitach,
Gary Schonert, Dick Heidenreich, Ryan Andersen, Jeff Tarkowski,
George Gordon, Kory Borek, Dick Peterson, Dave O'Brien,
Jerry Jardina, Dave Benjamin, Rick Jones, Tom Konieczko, Larry Hobbs,
Craig Savage, Gary Schonert.
* 43rd Annual Angel Golf Classic supporting SCHS Extracurricular Activities was played today at Meadowbrook CC. A number of the Monday regulars played either 9 or 18 Holes.
* Playing 18 Holes pictured below..................
Check out hole sponsor: Frank "I've Retired 4th Times" D'Acquisto.
Dr Bob Jaklich has only retired 3 times - Rookie !!!
Chris Gorman, Leon Walls, Jon Bassaindale, Bob "Speedy" Jaklich

* We played 9 Holes, missed 20 Birdie Putts between us - ended 2 Under.
Note: In Photo below Dave Benjamin checking out the ladies. Dave camera is over here !!!
Also playing 9, George Oteman, Tom Krug, absent - Ed DeMeulanere, Dick Albregts.
Our foursome: Dick Graceffa, Dave Benjamin, Rick Jones, CW
Dick, Dave, Rick each had a lease two putts rim out -- OH !!! SO CLOSE !!!

* Playing 9 Holes: Leneya DeMatthew, Mary Harris, Carol Rawlinko, Sue Agnew

Angel Classic photos compliments of Chris Gorman..................
* WSGA: 2022 Wisconsin State Women's Amateur Championship (West Bend CC),
John Busey caddied for his daughter Sarah '17. Sarah placed 5th.
Sarah Busey & Daddy (The Caddy) John Busey

* Plans for new condos on Lakefront in Caledonia..........
Prayers for family of departed Angel.....................
Prayers for Alumni & Friends dealing with Health issues:
Chris Gorman '77 Ankle Surgery in September.
Ron Bentz '56 dealing with serious health issues.
Mary Woitach '59 has back and knees issues.
Jeff Tarkowski '73 is wearing a heart monitor and injured his back.
Brenda White recovering from reconstructive surgery.
Dick Peterson '52 seeing Doc recently lost 4 lbs.
Rick Jones '73 P shoulder is getting better, but has back issues.
Jim Poulsen '60 has the early stages of Parkinson and is beginning therapy.
Dick Ruetz '69 has received a clean bill of health from his doctors, looking to golf.
Dan DeMatthew '75 enjoying his new Baclofen Pump and new wheelchair.
Dr. Robert "Bob" Jaklich '76 recovering from his 3rd cardiac ablation surgery.
Jack Kelley '58 H ultra sound for the chest pain nothing conclusive discovered.
Pete Schiro '77 no sling & in shoulder rehab, playing cribbage.
Joe Macareno has a 4 inch plate in his neck, getting better, playing cribbage.
Ryan Andersen is dealing with rheumatoid arthritis in his hands, is golfing.
Denny Montgomery '60 dealing with balance problems that restrict his travel.
Kathy (Hackl) Wirtz '60 has early stages of Parkinson's.
Jerry Jardina '61 is scheduled for cataract surgery.
Walt Strini '60 is scheduled for skin cancer removal surgery canceled.
Terry Kovara '64 plumbing biopsy was negative, clear for 6 months.
Gary Schonert '59 H Doc found a growth on his liver. New issue for Gary.
Doris (Johnson) Fiori '60 2nd Knee Replacement Surgery.
Dick Milkie '52 dealing with back issues.
Dave O'Brien eye surgery in Fall.
Tom "Westy" Westrich '56 dealing with vertigo, no golf, no softball.
Others Needing Prayers: Mickey Postorino, Dan Bentz, Todd Pettit, Jeff Pulda,
Bob Garrity, Mike Iggulden, Helen Miller, Tom Konieczko, Bob Letsch,
Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife, Gray Schonert's wife,
Dick Heidenreich's wife, Bob Jaklich's wife recovering from oral surgery.
Important Dates:
• Angel Golfers play 9 Holes every Thursday at Ives Grove - Teeing Off at 8:30.
Scramble format, join us and you'll be put in a foursome for fun and a few laughs.
• Friday September 30th - McGuire/Letsch Golf Scramble, Ives Grove Golf Course
Be Safe - Be Healthy - Be Positive