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Monday July 11, 2022

Updated: Feb 10, 2024

Hi Gang

Big Thanks to Frank D'Acquisto and Dick Graceffa for sponsoring lunch today. The main course included Italian Beef Sandwiches/Italian Buns, Banana Peppers, Mild Giardiniera & American Potato Salad. Frank got the beef from the Sausage Kitchen. Dick got the Buns from that famous bakery Pick N Save - Delicious.

Dr. Ron Kraus & Don Klemt brought Kringles for a snack.

Frank & Dick also brought a Birthday Cake for Bob Letsch - July 9th, Bob turned 79.

Frank & Dick led the gang in singing Happy Birthday to Bob.

L-R Dick Graceffa, Bob Letsch, Frank D'Acquisto

• Celebrating July 3rd birthdays: Joe Woitach turned 81 & John Busey turned 54.

Happy Birthday Fellows !!!

On Hand: Dr. Robert (Bob) Jaklich, Ed DeMeulanere, Jack Kelley, Terry Toll, Dave Benjamin, George Oteman, George Gordon, Dick Peterson, Samantha Repischak, Kory Borek,

Bob Letsch, Gary Schonert, Chris Sosnay, Rick Jones, Joe Macareno, Fr. Ron Crewe,

Jeff Pulda, Dan Bentz, Jerry Jardina, Ryan Andersen, Bobby Letsch, Frank D'Acquisto,

Mike Hyduke, Pete Schiro, Roger DeMark, Dick Graceffa, Kathy Poulsen, Rick Jones,

Dave O'Brien, Jeff Tarkowski, John Busey, Dr. Ron Kraus, Erin McCarville, Brenda White,

Pat Diem, Tom Goebel, Joe Woitach, Dan DeMatthew, Don Klemt, Rachel Lantz.

Special guests: Dr. Robert "Bob' Jaklich '76 visiting form San Antonio and

Rachel Lantz, a SCHS English teacher.

Bob Jaklich, Bob Letsch, Rachel Lantz

Surprise visit from Pat Diem '77. Pat was back from Costa Rica where he and his wife visited their daughter. Pat passed out a number of Roma Lodge Italian Fest Tickets.

Pat Diem...

Cribbage: Two tables of 6 played today.

• Table #1 Don Klemt/George Gordon vs Mike Hyduke/Dave O'Brien & Terry Toll/Joe Macareno. Klemt & Gordon were 3 - 1

• Table #2 Dave Benjamin/CWood vs Bobby Letsch/ an DeMatthew & Bob Jaklich/Bob Letsch. Benjamin & Wood were 3-2, Jaklich/Letsch were 2-3,

Bobby Letsch/DeMatthew were 0-5. but they were close to winning in a number of games.

Driving Ms Olesen: Gary Schonert's Thursday luncheon date was Myrtle Olesen.............

Gary played Uber driver and drove her around to visit the five O & H Danish Bakeries

in the Racine that the face of a happy man or what ???.

Prayers for the families of departed Angels..........

Prayers for Alumni & Friends dealing with Health issues:

  • Chris Gorman '77 Ankle Surgery in September.

  • Ron Bentz '56 dealing with serious health issues.

  • Mary Woitach '59 has back and knees issues.

  • Jeff Tarkowski '73 is wearing a heart monitor and injured his back.

  • Brenda White recovering from reconstructive surgery.

  • Dick Peterson '52 has an EKG scheduled within the next two weeks.

  • Rick Jones '73 P in therapy for his shoulder issue.

  • Jim Poulsen '60 has the early stages of Parkinson and is beginning therapy.

  • Dick Ruetz '69 has received a clean bill of health from his doctors after neck surgery.

  • Dan DeMatthew '75 enjoying his new Baclofen Pump and new wheelchair.

  • Dr. Robert "Bob" Jaklich '76 recovering from his 3rd cardiac ablation surgery.

  • Jack Kelley '58 H ultra sound for the chest pain nothing conclusive discovered.

  • Pete Schiro '77 no sling & in shoulder rehab, playing cribbage.

  • Joe Macareno has a 4 inch plate in his neck, getting better, playing cribbage.

  • Ryan Andersen is dealing with rheumatoid arthritis in his hands, is golfing.

  • Denny Montgomery '60 dealing with balance problems that restrict his travel.

  • Kathy (Hackl) Wirtz '60 has early stages of Parkinson's.

  • Jerry Jardina '61 is scheduled for cataract surgery.

  • Walt Strini '60 is scheduled for skin cancer removal surgery canceled.

  • Terry Kovara '64 plumbing biopsy was negative, clear for 6 months.

  • Gary Schonert '59 H Doc found a growth on his liver. New issue for Gary.

  • Doris (Johnson) Fiori '60 2nd Knee Replacement Surgery.

  • Dick Milkie '52 dealing with back issues.

  • Dave O'Brien eye surgery in Fall.

• Back in August 1970, Chris Long, Art Despins and Mike McDermott shared an apartment in Racine on Athens Avenue...not far from Turnstyle.

I send this 50-year-old photo as a preamble to report that Mike is in the hospital, suffering some degree of breathing condition that has slowed him the past several years, regrettably kept him home our last couple STILL CRAZY Class of '65 trips.

His wife Sue asks you not call or email just yet.

Thanks, Bob Schroeder '65

Others Needing Prayers: Mickey Postorino, Dan Bentz, Todd Pettit, Jeff Pulda,

Bob Garrity, Mike Iggulden, Helen Miller, Tom Konieczko, Bob Letsch,

Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife, Gray Schonert's wife,

Dick Heidenreich's wife, Bob Jaklich's wife recovering from oral surgery.

New addition at Racine County Club.........

Important Dates:

• Angel Golfers play 9 holes every Thursday at Ives Grove - Teeing Off at 8:30.

Scramble format, join us and you'll be put in a foursome for fun and a few laughs.

• Monday July 18th - Angel Golf Classic at Meadowbrook CC

Register Online: - 9 Holes or 18 Holes

• Friday September 30th - McGuire/Letsch Golf Scramble, Ives Grove Golf Course

Be Safe - Be Healthy - Be Positive



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