SPECIAL THANKS to Dan DeMatthew and George Gordon for sponsoring lunch today. Delicious Meatball Bombers, Pasta Salad, Veggie Tray, Homemade Cookies were the main course. Dan's younger brother Jimmie '79 helped with the Meatballs.
George Gordon '57 C, Dan DeMatthew '75

Luncheon Helpers - Mary Harris '71, Amy DeMatthew '75 CM

Joining Us: Dan DeMatthew, George Gordon, Amy DeMatthew, Mary Harris,
Bobby Letsch Jr, Lloyd Tremmel, John Ketarkus, Jack Kelley, Terry Toll, Gary Schonert,
Kory Borek, Dan Kovara, Joe Woitach, Cathy Poulsen, Marie Welsh, Dan Miller,
George Oteman, Marty Defatte, Chelsea Ostrov, Gabby Imbrugis, Charlie Presta,
Jeff Tarkowski, Rick Jones, Joe Ingrasci, Tom Goebel, Dan Bentz, Mark Mano,
Pam Mano, Dan Howard, Chris Gorman, Jon Bassindale, Mike Hyduke, Jeff DeMatthew
Give Aways.............
Lloyd Tremmel's '60 son runs a warehouse and has provided a number of outdated promotional items for Monday giveaways. They cannot be sold. This week was Mugs.

Creative Donation.....................
Mark Mano '59 & his wife Pam '66 IN hold a Wooden Tow Truck
that Lloyd Tremmel created and donated to the Black & White Ball for the Auction

* HELP !!!
This could be any number of our Alumni's/ Friend's grandson or granddaughter
assisting their grandma or grandpa........

A Bite of History................provided by Gary Schonert
Check out all the former Racine Star Athletes

Table #1: Dave Benjamin/ Lloyd Tremmel defeated Bobby Letsch Jr/Cwood 8 - 6. Each team "Skunked" the other team once.
Table #2: Mark Mano/ Dan DeMatthew defeated George Gordon/Charlie Presta 4 - 3
George Grodon/ Charlie Presta defeated Dan DeMatthew/Mike Hyduke 2 - 1
Table #3: Chris Gorman defeated Terry Toll and Jon Bassindale 2 - 0

GOLF COACH NEEDED................
St. Catherine's is in need of a Boys Golf Coach for this upcoming spring. If you are interested or know of anyone interested, please let me know.
The season starts on March 25th and ends at the end of May.
Tyson Tlachac
Activities and Athletic Director, M. Ed., CAA
262-632-2785 ext. 408
SPECIAL EVENT......................
* Student Trip..........
We have a group of kids traveling this summer to Ecuador and are raising funds to help offset the costs for students and their families. We are trying to do several small fundraisers, but this is our very first one. This week only, we are selling Spirit Wear Apparel. I have included the link below. If anyone is interested in purchasing an item, please let me know.
Have a blessed evening! Take care,Kris RivasEcuador Spirit Wear
High School Boys Basketball.............
* Dick Graceffa '69 will be covering local High School Basketball on Radio, check it out at DGSports.MIXIR.com

Future Building Addition - South End of SCHS
"Our Time Is Now"
New Addition New Main Entrance New Chapel
• Angels Connecting..................
* Class of '74
RACINE — St. Catherine's High School Class of 1974 will hold its 50th class reunion Saturday, July 20, 2024, at Racine Country Club, 2801 Northwestern Ave.
For more information, visit the St. Catherine's High School Class of '74 Facebook page, or the "Alumni" tab on the St. Catherine's High School website.
Contact Barb Porcaro (Suprak) - bsuprak@gmail.com or
Jim Rammelt -jimrammelt@yahoo.com.
• Class of '60 meets the last Wednesday of each month at Dynasty restaurant
- contact Renee (Ricchio) Benjamin for details - rsbenjam@sbcglobal.net
• Class of '59 meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Castlewood restaurant
- contact Mary (D'acquisto) for details - JWOITACH@yahoo.com
• Class of '58 meets 1st Tuesday of the month at Dynasty restaurant
- contact Karen (Petersen) Verbeten for details - Kverbeten1@wi.rr.com
• Purchase your Angels Items online. Click on......
Angels in the News...............
Hilary (Miller) Krejcka '67 & Mark Krejcka '68,
Racine News..........
• Prayers for the families of departed Angels and Friends......
• Prayers for Alumni & Friends dealing with Health issues:
Rick Jones had successful stomach surgery, now will be receiving immunotherapy every three weeks.
Jack Kelley had his throat Cancer return, he too will be have immunotherapy every six weeks.
Dan Peterson is scheduled Hip Replacement Feb 7th.
Bob Letsch happy with Lazer treatments - some positive results but his balance has been affected - 2 more treatments.
Peg Graceffa - Dick '69 wife will be released from Froedtert Rehab Hospital yesterday. She can now walk short distances without her walker. The belt around her waist will be permanent. A retired nurse from Froedtert will come to the house to help Peg shower and do some exercises. She's doing much better than a month ago.
Bob McKee former guidance counselor at Park HS and father of SCHS teacher Rob McKee is rehabbing from LF & RT Ankle Surgeries
John Miller '56 Hip Replacement Surgery postponed, doctors think he 1st needs a Pacemaker
Dick Heidenreich broken leg is healing in Rehab
Mike Ptaschinski '68 - Never thought I'd be on the Injured/Prayers List, but was attacked by two pit bulls in my own garage last Thursday night. Two separate attacks about 2-minutes each. Was bitten on the outer right knee during the first go-round. Then they came back again. Only thing that saved me from another bite was a handsaw I grabbed nearby. A terrifying experience fighting for my life, and I've parachuted and fallen thru the ice a few times. Puncture wounds, plus dog is not vaccinated for rabies, so I'm on the rabies protocol. A bunch of shots over the next two weeks. Neighbor's dogs --- they left the front door AND the gate open. Could have been worse --- I was prepping the car to take our grandkids home in 5 minutes. I'm OK, but those shots aren't fun. Will keep you posted.
Special Prayers needed for:
Chris & Sue Gorman's grandson Eli, Walt Strini, Jim Poulsen, John Hansen, Tom Clazmer, Don Heck, Jack Kelley, Dan Bentz, Tom Konieczko, Ken Kusters, Tom Pulda, Jeff Pulda, Dave O'Brien, George Gordon, Bob Letsch, Bob Garrity, Kathy (Hackl) Wirtz,
Mickey Postorino, Helen (Willmes) Miller, Mike O'Brien, Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife, Del Alton's wife, Marty Defatte's wife, Bill Halberstadt's wife, Dan Peterson's wife, Pat (Peters) Obernberger,
Important Dates:
Valentine's Day - Wednesday Feb 14. 2024
Black & White Ball - Saturday Apr 20, 2024
Easter Sunday - Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Memorial Day - Monday May 27. 2024 - Alumni House CLOSED
Independence Day - Thursday July 4th, 2024
Labor Day - Monday Sept 2nd, 2024 - Alumni House CLOSED
Schonert's Annual Picnic - Monday Aug 26, 2024
St Catherine's ANGELS..................
Jan 28th - Feb 3rd
Girls Basketball (4-17 Overall, 1-11 Metro Classic Conference)
Tuesday night the Angels hosted Shoreland Lutheran in a Metro Classic Conference game. The Angels battled with everything they had, unfortunately in the end they didn’t have enough as they were defeated 73-41. Laila Collier-White led the team with 18 points, Kaleah Conley had 11 and Emmerson Davidovic had 8.
The Angels hosted St. Thomas More on Friday night in a Metro Classic Conference matchup. The Angels played extremely well and had great effort all night long to push the Cavaliers. Unfortunately despite their effort, the Angels were defeated by the Cavaliers 81-71. Laila Collier-White led the team with 22 points, Aniyah Price added 21 and Kaleah Conley had 17
Boys Basketball (8-10 Overall, 6-5 Metro Classic Conference)
In a Metro Classic Conference road game on Tuesday night, the Angels traveled to Shoreland Lutheran. Smart play and good free throw shooting helped propel the Angels to a 55-45 victory. Lamont Hamilton led the way with 24 points. Javion Herron added 8 points and Eddie Vinson and Adreyan Contreras-Ward each had 6 points.
Saturday afternoon the Angels traveled to St. Thomas More for a Metro Classic Conference game. As always, with St. Thomas More, the crowd was treated to a great game. Both teams fought all game long, unfortunately in the end the Cavaliers defeated the Angels 71-57. Lamont Hamilton led the way with 27 points and 7 rebounds. DaRon Robinson added 6 points and 5 rebounds and Eddie Vinson had 6 points.
Wrestling (12-17 overall, 1-2 Metro Classic Conference)
The St. Catherine’s/Lutheran wrestling team traveled to Shoreland Lutheran on Saturday for the Metro Classic Conference tournament and Pacer Premier. The Angels had a great day as they would walk away with 6 wrestlers earning all conference honors. The team finished 3rd in the Metro Classic Conference and 5th out of 11 teams overall. High wrestler for the day was Demacio Trujillo at 150 lbs as he would go 4-0 with 1 pin, finishing 1 place in the Metro Classic Conference and earning 1st team all conference as well as 1st place in the Pacer Premier. Also finishing 1st place in Metro Classic Conference and earning 1st team all conference honors was Alberto Rodriguez (165 lbs, 3-1, 2 pins) and London Hadley (215 lbs, 3-1). Finishing in 2nd place and earning 2nd team all conference were Isac Blancarte (106 lbs, 3-1, 2 pins), Xavier Rodriguez (120 lbs, 2-2, 1 pin)and Sophia Reeser (138 lbs, 2-2)
Saturday the PSC Aquatics team traveled to Whitewater to participate in the Southern Lakes Conference tournament. The team swam extremely well and continues to impress as they finished in 6th place. Below are highlights from the day.
Jack Borzynski
200 Freestyle (1st, 1:48.77)
100 Butterfly (2nd, 54.90)
Nathan Breit
200 Freestyle (2nd, 1:52.00)
100 Backstroke (3rd, 56.59)
Nolan Mrotek
50 Freestyle (6th, 23.66)
200 Medley Relay
Team consisted of Natha Breit, Jack Borzynski, Nolan Mrotek, Hemingway Fletcher (5th, 1:49.81)
200 Freestyle Relay
Team consisted of Jack Borzynski, Nolan Barrett, Hemingway Fletcher, Nathan Breit (5th, 1:41.66)
Racine St. Catherine’s Home Game Protocols and Procedures
All tickets must be purchased ahead of time at http://spicket.events/schsangels, no cash will be accepted at the gate
Ticket sales will open 1 week prior to each event
Ticket sales close at 2:00pm the day of the event for varsity football games as well as JV2/JV/Varsity boys basketball games. Any individual(s) not purchasing tickets by 2:00pm will not be allowed into the game
Tickets can be printed at home to be scanned at the event or shown in the Ticket Spicket app on cellular devices to be scanned. NO SCREENSHOTS ACCEPTED
Gates/entrance close 30 minutes after the scheduled start time of the varsity event. Anyone not in the game at this time will not be allowed in
Refunds will only be issued for ticket purchases if the event is canceled
No re-entry to the event, once you leave you will not be allowed back in
All middle/elementary school students must be with an adult
Metro Classic Conference passes are still allowed at the gate for Metro Classic Conference games only, no digital ticket required. For Non-Conference Games, Metro Classic Conference passes are not accepted and a digital ticket is required
6 and under are free, no digital ticket required.
St. Catherine’s students are free with school ID, no digital ticket required. If no ID, a purchased ticket will be required
Siena employees are free with ID, no digital ticket required. If no ID, a purchased ticket will be required
Video Tutorial that shows how to purchase tickets and use app
Upcoming Angel Athletic Events
Monday February 5th
Boys basketball vs. Wauwatosa East @ 7:00pm
Tuesday February 6th
Girls basketball @ Racine Lutheran @ 7:00pm
Wednesday February 7th
Boys basketball vs. Racine Lutheran @ 7:00pm
Thursday February 8th
No games/matches/meets scheduled
Friday February 9th
Boys basketball vs. Milwaukee Hamilton @ 7:00pm
Saturday February 10th
Wrestling regionals @ Wilmot @ 9:30am
Boys swim sectionals @ Whitefish Bay @ 12:00pm
Be Safe - Be Healthy - Be Positive