BIG THANKS to Mike & Tommy McGuire who sponsored today's luncheon. The menu consisted of 6 DeRango's Sheet Pizzas: 2 Cheese & Sausage, 2 Cheese & Pepperoni,
2 Veggie.
Pam Mano brought her famous Snicker Doddle Cookies - 2 Dozen - all gone !!!
Dick Graceffa brought two 12 Pacs of Soda and 2 boxes of Snacks - Doritos, Fritos, Chips, etc.
Mike McGuire, Bob Letsch, Tom McGuire

Joining Us: Mike McGuire, Tom McGuire, Don Klemt, Lloyd Tremmel, Dan Bentz,
Roger DeMark, Bob Letsch, Joe Woitach, George Gordon, George Oteman,
Cintia Sanchez, Kory Borek, Bobby Letsch Jr, Dan DeMatthew, Dan Kovara,
Gary Schonert, Dave Cook, Bill Horvath, Tristan Ropiak, Rick Ropiak, Heather Ropiak,
Cathy Poulsen, Mike Hyduke, Charlie Presta, Bill Dombrowski, Tom Goebel,
Chris Gorman, Frank D'Acquisto, Jerry Jardina, Joe Ingrasci, Pat Rogan,
Jeff Tarkowski, Mark Mano, Pam Mano, Dave O'Brien, Mike Hyduke, John Ketarkus,
Ed DeMeulenaere, John Miller, Dick Graceffa
Photos Compliments of Lloyd Tremmel.............

The Tables...............
New Faces................
Mike McGuire '76, Par Rogan '77, Tom McGuire '77...It was a real challenge to get a decent photo of Mike McGuire...........NOTE: No PROBLEM for Pat or Tommy !!!
Congratulations to Judy & Dan Bentz celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary

A Trip Down Memory Lane.................
Racine Harbor - Pugh Coal Yards - Coast Guard Station - Oster Building..............
None exist today !!! We now have Reef Point Marina.

New - Hotel Verdant Racine WI -
Rehabbed the Zahn's Building on Monument Square.............

Today's Laugh.............................Ha Ha Ha !!!

Cribbage Results.........almost Accurate !!!
Table #1: Don Klemt/ Charlie Presta 3 - 3, Lloyd Tremmel/ CWood 3 - 3
* Handed: Lloyd Tremmel/ CWood 2 - 0, Charlie Presta/ Don Klemt 0 - 2, Rick Ropiak/Bob Letsch 0 - 2
Table #2 Dan DeMatthew/Mike Hyduke 3 - 1, Bob Letsch/Rick Ropiak 1 - 3
Table #3 Mark Mano/George Gordon 3 - 2, Dave O'Brien/Bobby Letsch Jr 2 - 3
Angels Connecting..................
• Class of '74 will hold its 50th class reunion Saturday, July 20, 2024, at Racine Country Club, 2801 Northwestern Ave. BBall Team members sponsor lunch Monday July 22nd
at the Alumni House......................
For more information, visit the St. Catherine's High School Class of '74 Facebook page, or the "Alumni" tab on the St. Catherine's High School website.
Contact Barb Porcaro (Suprak) - or
Jim Rammelt -
• Class of '75 Reunion Committee - $75.00
Mary Michel, Peggy Smithana (Henkes), Gina Derderian (Rupsch), Nancy Rittgers (Small)
Dan DeMatthew, Joanne Balestrieri (Koleske),Yvonne Anton-Hartl (Anton)
Not pictured but attended in person: Dennis Mikulecky
via ZOOM:
Grace LeRose, Dennis Andrewski, Vivian Dominici-Sacripanti (Dominici), Billy Wells

• Class of '79 July 27, 2024 Reefpoint Brew House2 Christopher Columbus Causeway Racine, WI Cocktails: 5:30 pm Dinner: 6:30 pm $45 per person, including dinner Cash Bar
Questions? Email us at
• Class of '60 meets the last Wednesday of each month at Dynasty restaurant
- contact Renee (Ricchio) Benjamin for details -
• Class of '59 meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Castlewood restaurant
- contact Mary (D'Acquisto) Woitach for details -

• Class of '58 meets 1st Tuesday of the month at Dynasty restaurant
- contact Karen (Petersen) Verbeten for details -
• Purchase your Angels Items online. Click on......
Angels in the News...............
Friday Sept 27th - McGuire/Letsch Annual Golf Scramble
Register online at
Racine News.........
• Prayers for the families of departed Angels and Friends......
• Prayers for Alumni & Friends dealing with Health issues:
Joe Ingrasci has finished radiation treatments and will now start chemo treatments for his lung cancer, Pat
Marcia Pfost '66 H (Pat Nielsen's good friend) dealing with MAC infection (lung disease along with fluid in her lung) and edema in her legs & heart issues.
Dick Heidenreich's walking challenges - wheel chair bound.
Jim Poulsen is he's upbeat and willing to visit. He hopes friends will call as well. 262-497-9249
Terry Toll working on lowering his Blood Sugar Level
Bob "Worm" Stanton is in a Florida hospital for problems related to his urinary tract.Text to his "Pies" phone Linda at 414-841-3460 - Thanks Jim Mascari
Walt Strini working out at Razor Sharp Fitness Center and getting stronger
Monica (LaFleur) DaPra broke her wrist while playing Pickle Ball - on the mend.
Terry Kovara Surgery on his Plumbing was a success - on the mend
Jack Kelley's Cancer has returned - dealing with Chemo treatments.
Del Alton new info - not his back - Hip problem.
Marty Defatte in the hospital with Gallbladder issues
Special Prayers needed for:
Chris & Sue Gorman's grandson Eli, Rick Jones, Walt Strini, Jim Poulsen, John Hansen, Tom Clazmer, Don Heck, Jack Kelley, Dan Bentz, Tom Konieczko, Ken Kusters, Tom Pulda, Jeff Pulda, Dave O'Brien, George Gordon, Bob Letsch, Bob Garrity, Kathy (Hackl) Wirtz,
Mickey Postorino, John Miller, Helen (Willmes) Miller, Mike O'Brien, Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife, Marty Defatte's wife, Bill Halberstadt's wife, Dan Peterson's wife, Pat (Peters) Obernberger, Dick Graceffa's wife Peg
Important Dates.................................
Independence Day - Thursday July 4th, 2024
Schonert's Annual Picnic - Monday Aug 26, 2024
Labor Day - Monday Sept 2nd, 2024 - Alumni House CLOSED
Friday Sept 27th - McGuire/Letsch Annual Golf Scramble - Register online at
St Catherine's "ANGEL" Athletics.................
2024 Summer CampsAre you looking for something for your child to do this summer? If so, checkout some of our summer camp offerings at All registration and payment is completed through website.
Upcoming Angel Athletic EventsThere are no more Angel athletic events for the 2023-2024 school year. Thank you to all parents, coaches and athletes for their time and effort this year. A special thank you to all of our seniors for their years of dedication to the athletics program. We wish you nothing but the best in your future. |
Be Safe - Be Healthy - Be Positive - God Bless
Thanks, Chuck! Love the joke, too!!!