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JAN 20, 2025

Updated: Jan 25

BIG THANKS to Kimberly Gardner who sponsored today's luncheon. She brought her helper - niece Harlyn. The menu consisted of Potbelly Sandwiches (turkey or beef), Chips, Pickles, Dessert. Donna (Sawasky) Guilette sent two trays of Brownies and a tray of Peanut Butter Cookies. Adam Chalekian brought a Triple Chocolate Cake for his Birthday. John Busey donated a new Keurig K-Duo Coffee maker. Dan DeMatthew brought two boxes of assorted Snacks.

Kimberly's niece Harlyn. Kimberly Gardner

Kimberly is Chief Advancement Officer for Siena Catholic Schools of Racine

Joining Us: Kimberly Gardner, her niece Harlyn, Dan Peterson, Dave Cook,

Adam Chalekian, John Ketarkus, Lloyd Tremmel, John Tremmel, Kory Borek,

Cindi Sanchez, Chelsea Ostrov, Gabby Imburgia, Mark Mano, Dan Miller,

Scott McAuliffe, Dan Kovara, Bill Dombrowski, Terry Toll, Tom Konieczko,

Mike Hyduke, John Busey, Gary Schonert, Joe Macareno, Dan DeMatthew,

Amy DeMatthew, Tom Goebel, Frank D'Acquisto, Zach Prideaux, Dr Ron Krause,

Tom Krug, Bruce Guilette, Tom Miller, Dave McCauley, Joe Woitach

John Busey Adam Chalekian Bruce Guilette

Tonight's College Championship Football Pool - Conducted by Dan Miller & Scott McAuliffe

Kimberly's niece Harlyn assisted in picking the Numbers

Dan Miller, Scott McAuliffe Harlyn picking pool numbers

  • New Face joining us today...........

John Tremmel, Lloyd Tremmel's son

John gets the gang goodies from the Marketing Warehouse he operates.

Today John brought in a bag of beautiful pens.

  • Today's Table Pictures Complements of Lloyd Tremmel '60...........


  • Points to Ponder !!!..................

  • Angel Update............

A Trip Down Memory Lane..............

  • Cribbage Results.........almost Accurate !!!

Table #1: Dave McCauley/Terry Toll 3 - 2, Bill Dombrowski/Lloyd Tremmel 2 - 3

  • Dave McCauley/CWood 4 - 0, Bill Dombrowski/Lloyd Tremmel 0 - 4

  • Dan DeMatthew/CWood 1 - 0, Bill Dombrowski/Lloyd Tremmel 0 - 1


Table #2: Mark Mano/Dan DeMatthew 6 - 1, Mike Hyduke/Joe Macareno 1 - 6




                                        Next Cribbage Tourney

NOTE NEW LOCATION.............................

Today's Laugh.............................Ha Ha Ha !!!   

 From Gary Schonert..............

"To get back to my youth I would do anything in the world, except

exercise, get up early, or be respectable." - Oscar Wilde

"The older we get; the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for." -

Will Rogers

"We must recognize that, as we grow older, we become like old cars –

more and more repairs and replacements are necessary." - C.S. Lewis

"Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the hell

happened." - Jennifer Yane

"Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you are aboard

there is nothing you can do about it." - Golda Meir


  • Dick Graceffa '69 on the call................

Angels Connecting..................


• Class of '75 50th Class Reunion Committee - $75.00 - July 12, 2025

Mary Michel, Peggy Smithana (Henkes), Gina Derderian (Rupsch), Nancy Rittgers (Small)

Dan DeMatthew, Joanne Balestrieri (Koleske),Yvonne Anton-Hartl (Anton) 

Not pictured but attended in person: Dennis Mikulecky - via ZOOM: 

Grace LeRose, Dennis Andrewski, Vivian Dominici-Sacripanti (Dominici), Billy Wells


• Class of '60 meets the last Wednesday of each month at Dynasty restaurant

- contact Renee (Ricchio) Benjamin for details - 

• Class of '59 meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Castlewood restaurant

- contact Mary (D'Acquisto) Woitach for details - 


 Class of '58 meets 1st Tuesday of the month at Dynasty restaurant

- contact Karen (Petersen) Verbeten for details -

• Purchase your Angels Items online. Click on......

 Angels in the News..........

Racine/Kenosha News..........

• Prayers for the families of departed Angels and Friends......

Mike Malone - Assisted with SCHS Girls Basketball

• Prayers for Alumni & Friends dealing with Health issues: 

John Ketarkus was headed to visit Dan Bentz at Siena Center with a get back on your feet card for Dan, created by Lloyd Tremmel that the gang signed.

  • Terry Toll now doing rehab at home for his stroke

  • Joe Ingrasci still at Ridgewood, moved to 2nd floor and has a roommate  

  • Robert Chiappetta '85 rehabbing from recent heart surgery

  • Jon Bassindale is rehabbing from his back surgery - hoping to swing a golf club ASAP

  • Jim Poulsen is upbeat and willing to visit. He hopes friends will call as well.

    262-497-9249 at St. Monica's

  • Walt Strini is working out at Razor Sharp Fitness Center.

  • Sue (Ketarkus) Shilling is rehabbing her knee - doing well

  • Joe Woitach is in Cardio rehab - looks great, in good spirits, lost 20 lbs

  • Rick Jones spent two days in the hospital Heart issue

  • Dan Bentz has been moved to Siena Center for his HIP rehab

  • Roger DeMark brought photos of his reconstructed elbow - 7 screws

  • Fr Joe Hornack fell broke hip that already had been replaced

  • Tom Adams had a minor stroke spent a day in hospital lots of test - new meds

    - in physical therapy - has heart monitor

  • Jim May has been in and out of the hospital dehydrated - doing better

  • Donna (Sawasky) Guilette rehabbing from Knee Replacement Surgery

Joe Woitach, Chris & Sue Gorman's grandson Elijah, Rick Jones, Walt Strini, Jim Poulsen, John Hansen, Tom & Mama Clazmer, Don Heck, Dan Bentz, Tom Konieczko, Tom Pulda, Jeff Pulda, Dave O'Brien, George Gordon, Bob Letsch, Bob Garrity, Kathy (Hackl) Wirtz,

Mickey Postorino, John Miller, John's wife Helen (Willmes) Miller, Mike O'Brien,

Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife Judy, Marty Defatte's wife Donna,

Bill Halberstadt's wife Judy, Dan Peterson's wife Donna, Dick Graceffa's wife Peg,


  • Important Dates.................................


Friday Feb 14th Valentine's Day

Wednesday Mar 5th Ash Wednesday

Monday Mar 17th St Patrick's Day

Tuesday Apr 1st - April Fools Day

Sunday Apr 20th - Easter Sunday

Monday May 5th - Cinco de Mayo

Sunday May 11th - Mother's Day

  • SAVE THE DATE...................

Monday July 21, 2025 - Angel Golf Classic -

Monday Aug 25th - Schonert's Annual Picnic

Friday Sept 26, 2025 - McGuire/Letsch Scramble - 25th Anniversary

St. Catherine's "ANGEL" Athletics.................

Admission Prices (Varsity football, JV2/JV/Varsity girls volleyball, JV/Varsity boys volleyball, JV/Varsity girls basketball, JV2/JV/Varsity boys basketball, wrestling)

  • Current St. Catherine’s students- Free (Must present current student ID, if no ID, a purchased ticket will be required.)

Admission must be purchased online, no cash will be accepted at the gate.  See below for ticketing protocols and procedures

Racine St. Catherine’s Home Game Protocols and Procedures

  1. All tickets must be purchased ahead of time at  

  2. Ticket sales will open 1 week prior to each event

  3. Ticket sales close at 2:00pm the day of the event for varsity football games as well as JV2/JV/Varsity boys basketball games.  Any individual(s) not purchasing tickets by 2:00pm will not be allowed into the game

  4. Tickets can be printed at home to be scanned at the event or shown in the Ticket Spicket app on cellular devices to be scanned. NO SCREENSHOTS ACCEPTED

  5. Gates/entrance close 30 minutes after the scheduled start time of the varsity event.  Anyone not in the game at this time will not be allowed in

  6. Refunds will only be issued for ticket purchases if the event is canceled

  7. No re-entry to the event, once you leave you will not be allowed back in

  8. All middle/elementary school students must be with an adult

  9. Metro Classic Conference passes are still allowed at the gate for Metro Classic Conference games only, no digital ticket required.  For Non-Conference Games, Metro Classic Conference passes are not accepted and a digital ticket is required

  10. 6 and under are free, no digital ticket required

  11. St. Catherine’s students are free with school ID, no digital ticket required. If no ID, a purchased ticket will be required

  12. Siena employees are free with ID, no digital ticket required. If no ID, a purchased ticket will be required

  13. Video Tutorial that shows how to purchase tickets and use app

Be Safe - Be Positive - Be Healthy



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