Hi Gang
Alumni House was closed today in honor of Memorial Day.
We thank all who served: "All Gave Some, Some Gave All"

Tom, Mike and Judy McGuire will be at the Alumni House Monday June 6th.
Tom & Mike are sponsoring DeRango's Pizza for lunch.
Angels in the News..............
• Former SCHS employee in the news...............
• Tyrese Hunter '21 signs with Texas.....
From: Mike Sucharda ’65 - mpsucharda@gmail.com

Register Now: Athletic Alumni Awards Conferral June 2
Share the pride that emerges on Marquette's campus when we honor alumni, parents and friends from around the world as men and women for and with others.
Prayers for the families of departed Angels.........
Prayers for Alumni & Friends dealing with Health issues:
Chris Gorman Ankle Surgery, his 5th surgery in July.
Jeff Tarkowski is still wearing a heart monitor.
Brenda White rehabbing well from recent chemotherapy treatments.
Dick Peterson dealing with a disabled wire in his pacemaker.
Rick Jones still in therapy for his shoulder issue.
Jim Poulsen going to therapy for Carpal Tunnel and back golfing.
Dick Ruetz is recovering beautifully from recent neck surgery.
Gary Schonert went in for a tetanus shot - while fishing in Florida, hooked his thumb.
Dave O'Brien says his new workout program is helping his breathing.
Dr. Robert "Bob" Jaklich went into the hospital for cardiac ablation. He's retired now for the 3rd time. No more work, but house work is in the plan, says wife Shelia.
Jack Kelley still dealing with chest pain on his right side.
Dan DeMatthew's surgery is scheduled for Tuesday June 1st to replace his baclofen pump. Thanks for all your prayers. He is doing good just extremely tired from the heavy doses of oral meds needed to keep him comfortable. Amy
Others Needing Prayers: Dan Bentz, Todd Pettit, Bob Garrity, Mike Iggulden, Helen Miller, Tom Konieczko, Kathy Wirtz, Bob Letsch, Dick Peterson, Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife, Gray Schonert's wife dealing with heart issue. Dick Heidenreich's wife.
Dan Peterson's wife.
Important Dates:
• Angel Golfers play every Thursday at Ives Grove - Teeing Off at 8:30.
We play 9 holes - Scramble format. Join us and you'll be put in a foursome.
• Friday June 10th Ives Grove - Knights of Columbus 4th Annual Golf Outing
Registration: May 20th - $100.00 - Scramble Format
Registration/Details Contact:
Ken Sack (262-488-3807) Jim Sisak (262-884-9505)
Steve Jansta (262-554-6376) or janstasteve@att.net
• Monday July 18th - Angel Golf Classic at Meadowbrook CC
• Friday September 30th - McGuire/Letsch Golf Scramble at Ives Grove Golf Course

Catch up with SCHS grad Codero Barkley: https://www.theinnovatorstribune.com/exclusive-interviews/always-keep-learning-keep-dreaming-bigger-an-exclusive-interview-with-cordero-barkley
Faith and science at St. Lucy: Check out this cool connection between faith and science that will be happening this summer at St. Lucy Catholic Church. They are inviting all of the Siena Schools to participate.
Have you ever wanted to be a principal? St. Joseph Catholic School recently had TWO guest principals: Miss Spaulding and Mr. Brito. Their days included morning announcements, sipping hot chocolate while reviewing daily to-do lists, visiting classrooms, reading books to K4 and K5, helping shred papers, giving the students extra recess, helping with cafeteria duty, and finally having lunch from Culver’s.
Thank you to those who were able to attend last night's inaugural President's Dinner, honoring our donors at or above the $1,000 mark. We were thrilled to honor Linda Townsend Christ and Dr. Kathleen Cepelka for their long-standing support of Siena Catholic Schools of Racine.
Celebrating the Feast Day of St. Rita: Dr. Sue’sView: Festa St. Rita! What a day. We are all super proud of all the students and special kudos to our amazing grade 3 with a beautiful play about St. Rita under the direction of Ms. LaCanne. And to cap off the day, thank you to our Class of 2022 for a wonderful carnival. Smiles everywhere!

Chief Advancement Officer
245 Main Street, Suite 402; Racine, WI 53403
Angel Athletics............May 23rd - May 28th
